Learning processes and in-company courses to support teams in preparing and conducting quality conversations.

Photo: Encounter with Instituto Semear
Semear Institute: learning space for mentors
Which competencies are needed to mentor someone? How to support a person's development without imposing solutions?
The Semear Institute cultivates a network of volunteer mentors, renowned professionals in various fields, who accompany low-income young people supported by the Institute to continue university and develop their careers.
In the mentoring practice, professionals perceived the need to develop dialogue skills, listen, facilitate conversations, and peer mentoring. We developed a learning journey focused on the team's needs based on the content of the course Conducting Online Conversations that Generate Results.
April to May 2021
CoCriar Team
Bruna Viana
Pedro Limeira
Laudes Foundation
Laudes Foundation is an independent foundation created in response to the urgent global demand to accelerate the transition to a just and regenerative economy. Through financial support, expertise and connections, the Foundation supports initiatives worldwide that contribute to creating an economy that benefits people and preserves the environment.
With the transition from face-to-face to remote work in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, Laudes Foundation leadership wanted to empower its staff and partners in facilitating engaging meetings that lead to results. CoCriar conducted an in-company training, focused on the needs of that group, based on the content of the course Conducting Online Conversations that Generate Results.
September 2020
CoCriar Team
Augusto Cuginotti
Bruna Viana
Camila Rigo
Michelle Sampaio
Tamara de Azevedo
Rede Cidadã - Start(Latam)
In June 2020, shortly after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil and the forced transition to remote and online work, Húmus supported the Rede Cidadã team to develop internal skills to conduct online conversations that foster co-creation, harness people's energy, time and available tools.
Based on the experiences of Rede Cidadã's collaborators with online meetings and classes experienced until then, we created a learning space about agreements, practices and tools that would contribute to improving the quality of online conversations in meetings and classes, as well as the subsequent follow-up of referrals and learning.
June 2020
Húmus Team
Bruna Viana
Marina Galvão