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Inova Escola Challenge

Award ceremony for innovative schools and educators


The Inova Escola Challenge is an initiative of the Telefônica Vivo Foundation, executed by the Centre for Studies and Research in Education, Culture and Community Action (Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação, Cultura e Ação Comunitária - CENPEC), which awards educators in public and private schools in Brazil for innovation projects.

As part of the 2019 edition of the Inova Escola Challenge awards, the award-winning teams would have the opportunity to participate in an exchange with schools of

reference in the theme of Educational Innovation. Given the Covid-19 pandemic and the

consequent social isolation, CENPEC and FTV invited CoCriar to

plan and facilitate a remote alternative that promoted the exchange of experiences and

the connection between the teams from the winning schools and the reference schools



During the preparation stage, we conducted individual interviews with representatives from the schools that would take part in the closure, which allowed us to delve deeper into the context experienced by each school and also into the expectations and interests for the interactions that would take place during the group's online meeting.

We proposed a group process that addressed the expectations of the winning teams to present what had been possible to achieve with their projects, given the pandemic period. The conversation structure also provided an opportunity for educators to ask for each others' help on present challenges, which included continuing to innovate even in the face of so many adversities caused by social isolation.

The engagement of CENPEC and FTV staff in the process was fundamental to generating a sense of trust and exchange among the participants. Furthermore, the process supported the group to establish the connections so desired by organisers and participants; simultaneously, it was possible to ensure a tone of final celebration of the Award.


April 2021

CoCriar Team

Bruna Viana

Mariana Christovam

Pedro Limeira


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