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Panamazon Conference of Bioeconomy

Recommendations for leveraging the bioeconomy in the Amazon, co-created by leaders from the nine Amazonian countries


The Panamazon Bioeconomy Conference was held by more than twenty organisations involved in the region's sustainable development. The meeting brought together influential leaders from the nine Amazonian countries, including representatives from different levels of government, indigenous peoples, academia, business, finance, NGOs, local businesses, collectives and social movements.

The Conference's objectives were to foster collaboration between stakeholders, exchange ideas on viable solutions for the preservation and sustainable use of forest resources and define priorities for leveraging the bioeconomy in the region. The event brought together around 300 people, representing the nine Amazonian countries, over two days in Belém (PA). I was part of the Ecosynergy team, invited to design the flow of the Conference and facilitate the thematic tables.

The organisers were Aliança Empresarial pela AmazÎnia, Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program, The World Bank, Bezos Earth Fund, CLUA, Concertação pela AmazÎnia, Conservation International, GIZ, Coordenadoria das OrganizaçÔes Indígenas da Bacia AmazÎnica (COICA), GEF, Government of France, Government of Canada, IADB, Instituto Sinchi, IPAM, Nature Finance, NESst, Painel Científico pela AmazÎnia, Partnerships for Forest, USAID, Visão AmazÎnia, WRI and WWF.

Read about the Conference at the El PaĂ­s.


I was responsible for facilitating the panel on International Policy and Governance, coordinated by Gustavo Souza, Director of Climate and Policy for the Americas at Conservation International. The panel brought together ministers from Peru and Suriname, representatives from the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, the government of Pando (Bolivia) and Ecuador, and representatives from COICA and other organisations. The process facilitated by me included the following:

  • Conceptual alignment on the theme of the table and the expected results;

  • Mapping critical aspects of the policy landscape to be taken into account to create proposals to strengthen cooperation in Panamazon;

  • Development of recommendations for the aspects mapped, including needs, solutions, expected results and funding mechanisms;

  • Prioritisation of the proposals created.

In the final plenary session, representatives from the nine tables shared the three central proposals for each theme. The proposals gave rise to a letter of recommendations for leveraging the bioeconomy in the Amazon. The document was delivered to the ministers and heads of state of the nine Amazonian countries during the Amazon Summit in August 2023.


June 2023

Ecosynergy Team

Barbara Oliveira

André Marciel

Bruna Viana

Cesar Yojiro Matsumoto

Delvia Kantorski

Enrico Rocha

Florentine Versteeg

Guilherme Andrade

Pedro Limeira

Sergio Marcondes


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