The engagement process for Raízen employees to draft a Local Development Plan for one of the locations where the company operates
Raízen is an integrated energy company engaged in producing and selling renewable energy and sugar derived from sugarcane. One of the largest business groups in Brazil, it is present in all states of the country and in Argentina.
In 2020, CoCriar was invited to support the organisation's Social Performance team in designing and conducting an internal employee engagement process to co-create a Local Development Plan to be developed in Barra Bonita, a municipality located in the state of São Paulo. The locality was chosen to carry out this pilot process, to be subsequently expanded to other units.
Over four months, we conducted this cocreation journey of the Local Development Plan, which included the following stages:
Sensitisation and engagement of participants;
Expansion of repertoire - deepening in the local reality;
Stakeholders mapping;
Development Opportunities Recognition;
Assessment of existing relationship channels;
Creation of a 3-year Action Plan.
Beyond the creation of the LDP, the choice for a participatory process was a strategy to engage internal employees from different areas and sectors of Raízen in preparing the Plan and developing the company's Social Performance team's skills in conducting co-creation processes.
August to november 2020
CoCriar Team
Bruna Viana
Pedro Limeira
Tamara de Azevedo
Raízen Manager
Fernanda Ferraz