Rethinking the economy for more significant positive impact in a time of the covid-19 pandemic
The Impact Business Investment Forum is an essential milestone in the annual schedule of the Brazilian social and environmental impact ecosystem. However, while the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic in Brazil reinforced the urgency of debating the topic, at the same time, it imposed the need to rethink the event's format.
The Forum organisers, the Institute of Corporate Citizenship (Instituto de Cidadania Empresarial - ICE) and the Impact Hub, invited CoCriar to design and facilitate a pre-Forum meeting. As a result, in July 2020, the encounter brought together hundreds of people from across the country in sessions of presentation, dialogue, and co-creation for the first time online.
We were responsible for designing and conducting the meeting flow, training facilitators and volunteer technical staff, defining, creating and managing the online collaboration tools, taking care of the technological security of the meeting.
The plan designed for the Forum and the work carried out in partnership with the ICE team and volunteers resulted in a balance between in-depth discussions and dynamic exchanges between hundreds of participants and panellists over the two days of the event.
July 2020
CoCriar Team
Bruna Viana
Camila Rigo
Michelle Sampaio
Pedro Limeira
Tamara de Azevedo