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In this gallery, I highlight a few projects I have been involved in recently.
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processes categories.
Amazon in Connections
Facilitação de encontros de ativação de ecossistemas de negócios da sociobiodiversidade no baixo Tocantins e do Marajó (PA)
Participatory Evaluation of Contribution to System Changes in Education
Aplicação da metodologia Outcome Harvesting para entender impactos diretos e contribuições para mudanças sistêmicas na educação
Protectors of Critical Ecosystems and Livelihoods Network in Minas Gerais
Action research with activists, representatives of traditional communities and civil society organisations
Action research: in search of overcoming extractivist models of development in Latin America
Cooperative inquiry that involved academics, activists and representatives of civil society from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia
Theory U Hub
Theory U is a methodology developed by researchers at the Presencing Institute for personal, organisational and systemic development.
Institute of Corporate Citizenship Forum
Rethinking the economy for more significant positive impact in a time of the covid-19 pandemic
Raízen Local Development Lab
The engagement process for Raízen employees to draft a Local Development Plan for one of the locations where the company operates
Sustainable Barcarena Initiative
A platform for citizen action, conflict resolution and projects development in the Brazilian legal Amazon region.
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corporative responsibility
6 posts
5 posts
3 posts
4 posts
1 post
human rights
5 posts
3 posts
political engagement
3 posts
12 posts
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Categorias de Processo
38 posts
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Decision making
4 posts
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Conflict resolution
1 post
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14 posts
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8 posts
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Collective inquiry
8 posts
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4 posts
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Collective Learning
6 posts
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1 post
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Strategic Planning
1 post
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